Become a Member

Please consider affirming your support of the work of Crosstalk Ministries by becoming a Member of the Corporation.

As a Member of the Corporation of Crosstalk Ministries, you would undertake to pray regularly for the work of the organizations and to support financially, as you are able, the ministries. Corporation Members must be at least 18 years of age and are entitled to vote at the Annual General Meeting and are also eligible for nomination to the Board of Directors. Members are requested to read, sign and return the attached statement of faith and support. (Actual membership subscription is $25.00).

Members are counted upon for support of various kinds, as they are able and as is needed – time, prayer, resources, finances, etc.

Please fill out and return the membership form found below to the Crosstalk office.

Membership Form

As a Member of the Corporation of Crosstalk Ministries, in thankfulness for God’s mercy in Christ to me, I undertake:

1. To read the Scriptures regularly as God’s Word and to seek to let my life be shaped by the Holy Spirit in obedience to that Word.

2. By God’s grace to bear witness by my words and life to the saving power of Jesus Christ.

3. To pray regularly for the works of Crosstalk Ministries.

4. To support financially, as I am able, the work of Crosstalk Ministries.

Signed _____________________________________ Date _________________________

Yes, I wish to support the work of Crosstalk Ministries

__________ As a volunteer to help in planning events

__________ As a prayer supporter

__________ As a Member of the Corporation

Please read, sign and return the above statement of Membership

__________ As a volunteer staff for camps or retreats

__________ With my financial gift of $_______________

Receipts will be issued for donations of $10.00 and over.

Name: ____________________________________________________________________

Address: __________________________________________________________________

Postal Code: _______________________ Telephone:___________________________